
    From Buttonmen Wiki

    Spite's Skills[edit | edit source]

    Poison[edit source]

    Button Notation: p
    BMO Notation: p

    Poison Dice are worth negative points. If you keep one of your own Poison Dice, you subtract its full size from your score. If you capture an opponent’s Poison Die, subtract half its size.

    Shadow[edit source]

    Button Notation: horizontal line above number, s
    BMO Notation: s

    Shadow Dice are normal in all respects, except that they can not make Power Attacks. Instead, they can make inverted Power Attacks, called Shadow Attacks.

    Shadow Attack: Use one of your Shadow Dice to capture one of your opponent’s dice. The target die must show a value equal to or greater than the attacking die, but within its range.

    For example, a Shadow 12 showing 7 can capture any value between 7 and 12.

    Shadow Dice can make Skill Attacks normally.

    X Swing Dice can be any die between 4 and 20. Swing Dice are allowed to be any integral size between their upper and lower limit, including both ends, and including nonstandard die sizes like 17 or 9. Each player chooses his or her Swing Die in secret at the beginning of the match, and thereafter the loser of each round may change their Swing Die between rounds. If a character has any two Swing Dice of the same letter, they must always be the same size.

    Other Information[edit | edit source]


    Spite was available from Smirk and Dagger Games.

    According to Curt Cover, Owner & Chief Instigator of Smirk and Dagger Games:

    Yes, there was a time when Button Men, looking to increase buzz and penetration, offered open licensing. The thinking was that the more people making and selling buttons, the better for the game overall. Smirk and Dagger, at that time in their 4th year as a publisher, was excited to be involved. So we created our button and promoted it at Origins. After the Origins promotion, we did end up signing an official license to sell the buttons and make more.

    Spite is a monster encounter from our game Cutthroat Caverns, which had recently been released at that time. Spite is a succubus and a particularly deadly encounter in that she would cancel the strongest attack against her, and then direct her attack at the player who swung the hardest. Super intimidating. So we made her button with appropriately tough stats. I was a fan of the game and had a fun time devising ours. This was the approval we got from James, where he acknowledges the power of our button: "Looks great! I can't believe I didn't notice the "6 6 6" theme element. Mea culpa. The extra 6 does make her a little stronger, but there are far crazier buttons in this promotion. She can stay 6 6 6. Best wishes, and see you in (gulp) a week... -El Cheapo"

    References[edit | edit source]